Sunday, September 6, 2009

Catalossari 1 - Catalossary 1

Yes, "Catalossari" is as invented a word in Catalan as "Catalossary" is in English, but I figured that if I'm going to take the bilingual titles seriously, I might as well try to Catalan-ize any invented words I use.

Here are 5 instances of printed Catalan that for one reason or another I found interesting. If you're trying to figure out what they mean, I find that knowing Spanish may be the most helpful, but knowing French as well will help with certain details. Here's the Picassa album:

Here's the text of the Catalan:

  1. Aquí al costat hi ha papereres, fes-les servir.

  2. Sóc una platja, no pas un cendrer enorme, ok?

  3. Tancament del passadís d’enllaç Diagonal (L3, L5)
    Amb motiu de les obres de l’intercanviador, a partir del dia 27 de maig quedarà tancat el passadís entre els vestíbuls de Diagonal L3 i L5.
    L’enllaç entre les dues línies de Metro es farà pel carrer.
    Hi haurà una senyalització específica del recorregut a seguir
    A l’entrar de nou a Metro serà necessari tornar a validar el bitllet, sense que això comporti el descompte de cap viatge.
    Recordin que podeu fer l’enllaç entre L3 i L5 a Sants Estació.
    Consultin el plànol de xarxa per tal d’escollir altres itineraris alternatius.

  4. Acabem amb la dictadura democratica

  5. A Barcelona, 1 de cada 3 morts en accidents de trànsit anava a peu! Atenció! Tots som vianants!

Of these, #2, #5, and especially #4 can be readily tied back to the Spanish equivalents. Now for the context:

  1. On the beach, near where one would enter it from the street. Isn't it so cool to just see a talk bubble popping out of the sand?

  2. The back side of the sign in #1

  3. On a metro platform

  4. In the streets of Barcelona; not exactly the nicest area

  5. In the entrance of literally every other crosswalk in Barcelona. I just love how those that make printed statements here are so good about presenting them in ways that grab your attention.

If they don't come to you immediately, ponder them a while. Personally, by connecting to Spanish equivalents, without looking at the translation I was able to figure out #4 exactly and all of #5 except the last word. Translations and commentary coming in subsequent posts.

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